Of Prostitutes and Pastors
Prior to this, my favorite ebay auctions were for the haunted original nintendo system and/or the girl who would pretend to be your girlfriend for six months (much to the delight of closet gays and the patently unlovable). Ted Haggard's massage table blows them both away.
In case you don't remember, Haggard was the founder and former pastor of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs who resigned after his secret gay sex solicitations were revealed by a prostitute named Mike Jones. Not that Mike Jones, but that would have been even better. Anywho, it was a big to do since Haggard went from a crusader against the homosexual agenda to a deposed power-bottom before Jesus could show up to destroy all his evidence. Apparently if you win this auction, you too can have a piece of Homo-Evangelical history.
In case you don't remember, Haggard was the founder and former pastor of the New Life Church in Colorado Springs who resigned after his secret gay sex solicitations were revealed by a prostitute named Mike Jones. Not that Mike Jones, but that would have been even better. Anywho, it was a big to do since Haggard went from a crusader against the homosexual agenda to a deposed power-bottom before Jesus could show up to destroy all his evidence. Apparently if you win this auction, you too can have a piece of Homo-Evangelical history.
Labels: ebay, evangelical christians, gays, massage tables
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